My Teaching Practices (Getting Dressed)

Image by Sebastian from Pixabay

Getting Dressed Overview

Having children dressing and undressing can be an experience that is rich for the children. When these opportunities are viewed as opportunities to develop other skills then that’s when this becomes a rich experience for the children.  With this, the children work on their social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and communication skills. 

Parents’ Feelings of Their Children Dressing Themselves

I’m still not working and I do not have my own classroom, but I do know that each family is different and that they come from different cultures. Not every culture has the same beliefs and each culture has its own beliefs on children being independent. When it comes to dressing and children dressing themselves, there are children that are able to do it and they do it, but then there are other children that can’t do it. It all goes back to the parents. There are times when parents do everything for their children and there are parents that have their children dress themselves with some help. In the world, there are different parents and each parent/family has their own beliefs. There are parents that feel strongly about having their children learn to dress themselves, and there are parents that still do everything for their children, and they do not feel strongly about it. Teachers should not judge the families and they should just form relationships with the families and give them information that they can use to make changes and to get informed. 

Interacting with Children and Communicating with Them

Even though I still don’t have my classroom, I still have interacted with children in my Field Experiences and observations. During this time I have helped teachers with getting the children ready to go out or to go home. While I’m doing this I have noticed that I do not tend to communicate with the children or tell them what I’m doing. I also have noticed that I tend to do everything for them and do not tend to show them how to do it. I know that it is important to do these things to the children and I know that this is something that I need to work on. From now on I will start to work on this and I will start to communicate more with the children and give them more chances to start being independent. 

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