My Teaching Practices Eating and Meal Time

Image by Silvia from Pixabay

My Eating Habits and Nutrition Influence on Children

When talking about my eating habits and what I eat in a day I would say that I would not consider myself a healthy eater. In all honesty, there are more healthy foods that I dislike than I like. Also, I would say that there are more times that I do not eat at my times and end up eating really late or there are days that I do not eat for long periods of time and those are the days where I end up eating junk food in the middle of the night. I feel that my approach to nutrition will not negatively affect how and what I teach children about healthy eating. With me not being a healthy eater I feel that this will help me to know what to teach children about nutrition and about the side effects of having bad nutrition and eating habits. I might have a hard time teaching about healthy eating, but at the same time, my experiences with food and nutrition will help me when it comes to teaching children. When teaching and trying food I will try the food with them and this will also help me with my eating habits and the way that I will teach about it.

Mealtime in the Classroom

As of now, I do not have a classroom, but from what I have seen in my both field experiences I have seen both calm and chaotic meal times. In my field experience 1 I have seen calm meal times where the children sit and eat and the teachers are interacting with the students. In my field experience 2 I have seen chaotic meal times. Sometimes in the preschool classroom, there are children that are not eating their food and some end up crying or screaming at each other. On better days the students and teachers are interacting with each other and having meaningful conversations. In my future classroom in order to have calm and relaxing meal times I will motivate the students and encourage them to interact with them. I will also sit down with the students and eat with them. I feel that by doing this I will foster relationships with the students and I feel that this will make meal times go smoothly.

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